HCSS Telematics

HCSS Telematics is an all-encompassing GPS solution tailored for managing a mixed fleet in the construction industry. This advanced tracking software seamlessly integrates with other HCSS products, eliminating errors and reducing double data entry. It can also receive meter readings directly from your machinery, automating your fleet’s preventive maintenance schedules. With HCSS Telematics, you can monitor the location and performance of your entire fleet, including heavy equipment, tractor-trailers, company trucks, and fuelers.

Integrations Categories

Power Up with HCSS Telematics

Clue seamlessly integrates with HCSS Telematics, combining all machine data into a single platform. This integration allows users to log into one system instead of multiple, streamlining the collection and monitoring of equipment data. Clue gathers and standardizes telematics data from various OEM systems, enabling side-by-side comparisons and saving hours of manual data handling each week.

Integrate with HCSS Telematics
Fleet management automation with real time productivity tracking

HCSS Telematics Integration Features

  • Receive pop-up messages, sounds, banners, or badges for various alerts and notifications.
  • Visualize equipment and vehicle locations on a map for easy tracking.
  • Report and document incidents directly within the system.
  • Automate and manage preventive maintenance cycles based on machine data.
  • Accurately track mileage for all vehicles in your fleet


Note: Clue is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by HCSS or any of its products, including HeavyJob and Equipment360. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.