
Smart Dispatching: Every Asset, Every Move, Perfectly Planned

With Clue, dispatching is easy. Plan asset needs, request equipment quickly, and manage returns in one place. Save money by using what you own instead of renting. Arrange transport and let Clue handle the details, like telling drivers where to go.

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Dispatch screen
scheduling with getclue app

Plan Ahead, Stay Ahead

Empower your supervisors and superintendents with Clue's proactive organization feature. They can schedule asset requests ahead of time directly on a calendar interface. This ensures that your projects stay ahead of schedule, minimizing downtime and improving onsite workflow. With Clue, you're you're always one step ahead.

Instant Requests, Instant Solutions

The mobile app enables supervisors to promptly request equipment for urgent tasks, ensuring critical demands are met swiftly. This feature guarantees that sudden project needs don't derail your timelines, keeping your operations running without interruption.

Ready for Return, Ready for Action

Mark assets as ready for return with a simple tap, making it easier to manage equipment cycles. This visibility helps maintain a streamlined asset allocation process, ensuring tools and machines are efficiently utilized without unnecessary overlaps.

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Discover Clue's Best Features for Dispatch

Calendar Command

Urgency Accelerated

Cycle Control

Strategic Sync

Fleet Freedom

Logistics Layout

Alerts Automated

Inspect Intuitively

Inventory management dashboard

Own Your Fleet, Reduce Your Costs

Identify owned assets that can fulfill job requirements, significantly reducing the need to incur additional rental expenses. This functionality saves costs and encourages the optimal use of company-owned resources.

Every Move, Expertly Managed

Organize the logistics of each dispatch within the app, from coordinating drivers to arranging vehicle assignments. This integrated approach ensures that every move, from point A to point B, is planned with precision and foresight.

Notify with Ease, Move with Speed

Automate the process of informing drivers about their next job with instant SMS and email notifications, eliminating the need for manual texting. This ensures drivers are always in the loop, ready for their next task, enhancing operational fluidity.

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Match with Precision, Dispatch with Wisdom

Equipment managers can now easily match requests with available assets, prioritizing proximity and utilization. This strategic assignment reduces idle times and extends the lifespan of your machinery, ensuring every piece of equipment is maximized to its full potential.

Inspect, Protect, Perfect

Conduct comprehensive four-corner inspections upon asset delivery to maintain and assure equipment quality. This meticulous check ensures that every piece of machinery is in optimal condition before deployment, upholding safety and performance standards.

Benefits of Clue’s Software for Dispatch

Schedule Quickly, Stay Ahead

With Clue, planning turns into action. Pick a calendar day and line up your crew and equipment. Your team and tools get where they need to be quickly and hassle-free. It's about always being a step ahead.

Pair Perfectly, Work Smarter

Think of Clue as the brains of the operation. It knows which equipment goes with each job, ensuring everything fits right. It's clever and intuitive and maintains steady progress on your project.

Sync Team, Achieve Together

Clue brings your project and people together. Equipment, crew, and tasks all connect on one platform. Everyone knows what to do, the work gets done, and the team clicks. It's about making everything work together.

Clue App for Easy Construction

Build with confidence and manage with ease. The Clue App focuses on your construction world—straightforward, no fuss. Track progress, coordinate teams, and nail every deadline. Get building, get Clue.

Insightful Analytics
Real-Time Tracking
Fleet management automation with real time productivity tracking

Here are some common questions

What are the benefits of fleet management software?

Fleet management software simplifies vehicle management, enhances tracking, ensures proper maintenance, and improves fuel efficiency. Specifically, Clue's solutions are designed for the construction industry, providing tools that help manage fleets more efficiently, ensuring vehicles and equipment are well-maintained and cost-effective.

What are the types of fleet management software?

Fleet management software varies, focusing on tracking, maintenance, and management. Clue integrates these functionalities, offering a comprehensive solution for the construction industry that improves operational control and visibility.

How does fleet management help the construction industry?

It ensures construction vehicles and equipment are optimally utilized, reducing unnecessary maintenance or fuel expenses and Clue's platform is built to meet these industry-specific needs, featuring advanced tracking and management capabilities to streamline operations.

How does construction fleet management software help in maintenance and repair scheduling?

The software provides reminders for maintenance, tracks vehicle health, and assists in scheduling repairs. Clue's system is tailored to prevent minor issues from escalating, ensuring your fleet remains in top condition.

Is it possible to manage and track equipment rental through the software?

Yes, the software allows for efficient tracking of rental equipment, managing who rents what and for how long. Clue enhances this process, ensuring rental management is straightforward and free from scheduling conflicts.

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Explore Other Features

Single Pane of Glass

See your entire project in one view with a Single Pane of Glass, making management simple and unified.

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Easily allocate resources and monitor job status to run a more productive operation

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance keeps your equipment in top shape, avoiding downtime and costly delays.

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Utilize every asset to its fullest with Utilization insights, optimizing your resources for every project.

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Work Orders

Create and manage Work Orders with ease, ensuring tasks are clear and accountability is maintained.

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Conduct Inspections with confidence, upholding the highest standards for safety and quality on every site.

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iOS & Android Apps

Stay connected with Clue's iOS & Android Apps, bringing project management to your fingertips wherever you are.

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Promote sustainability in your projects, using tools that help reduce waste and support eco-friendly practices.

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