
Guide Your Path to Sustainability by Tracking, Reducing, and Reporting Your Carbon Footprint

Adopt sustainability with Clue. Monitor emissions, customize fuel types, and receive actionable insights for each asset. With our tools, you’re not just managing equipment; you’re paving the way for a greener industry, meeting standards, and easily sharing progress.

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All Green Insights

Track your assets' carbon footprint as they operate. Clue's real-time monitoring ensures you're always aware of the environmental impact, helping you make informed decisions to minimize emissions and adhere to sustainability goals.

Decode Your Carbon Footprint

Clue steps in with sophisticated CO2 estimation for assets lacking direct fuel data. Utilizing mileage, operational hours, and financial inputs, we offer a detailed environmental impact analysis, ensuring you have the insights needed for strategic sustainability planning.

Fuel Flexibility, Planet Friendly

Every asset is unique, and so is its fuel usage. Clue allows you to specify fuel types per asset, enabling precise tracking and reporting of emissions. This customization ensures that your sustainability reports reflect your fleet's actual environmental footprint.

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Discover Clue's Best Features for Sustainability

Emission Insights

Eco-Friendly Analytics

Carbon Track Dashboard

Eco Operation Mapping

Green Compliance Hub

Low Impact Reporting

Sustainable Usage Stats

Eco Audit Trails

Clear Path to Eco-Friendly

Clue makes managing the complex landscape of regulatory requirements easier. Our system is designed to ensure your reporting meets the stringent standards set by federal agencies and project owners, making compliance easier and keeping your operations green and clean.

Maximize Moves, Minimize Footprints

Idle assets aren't just a financial drain; they also impact the environment. Clue's utilization monitoring highlights areas where you can reduce idle time, cut emissions, and enhance productivity, all contributing to a more sustainable operation.

Idle Thoughts to Active Savings

Excessive idling is a known environmental and financial burden. Clue's automated alerts and reports identify idling trends, enabling you to take corrective action, reduce unnecessary emissions, and drive your sustainability efforts forward.

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Clear Green Reports

From daily insights to annual summaries, Clue's reporting tools compile comprehensive sustainability data to share with stakeholders. Whether for internal review or meeting federal compliance, your reports are ready at the click of a button, complete with all the necessary details to demonstrate your commitment to a greener planet.

Green Your Assets with Clue

Raise sustainability with precise asset management. Clue's eco-smart solutions let you monitor emissions, customize fuel usage, and make reporting more accessible for a greener footprint. Ready for compliance, prepared for a better future.

Benefits of Clue’s Software for Sustainability

Echoes from Every Asset

See the environmental story of each machine. Clue's detailed monitoring changes every operation into a tale of carbon savings, drawing a clear picture of your eco path, item by item.

Insights with a Clear Vision

Find what's hidden with Clue. When fuel data isn't precise, our algorithms sift through everything from mileage to financials, revealing your actual carbon impact and making complex CO2 calculations as easy as a morning coffee.

Fuel Efficiency for Sustainability

Tailor each asset's fuel profile with a few taps. Clue adapts to your fleet's diversity, turning the mundane task of fuel tracking into a personalized path to sustainability. It ensures that every drop of fuel contributes to a greener tomorrow.

Clue App for Easy Construction

Build with confidence, manage with ease. Clue App brings your construction world into focus – straightforward, no fuss. Track progress, coordinate teams, and nail every deadline. Get building, get Clue.

Insightful Analytics
Real-Time Tracking
Fleet management automation with real time productivity tracking

Here are some common questions

What are the benefits of fleet management software?

Fleet management software simplifies vehicle management, enhances tracking, ensures proper maintenance, and improves fuel efficiency. Specifically, Clue's solutions are designed for the construction industry, providing tools that help manage fleets more efficiently, ensuring vehicles and equipment are well-maintained and cost-effective.

What are the types of fleet management software?

Fleet management software varies, focusing on tracking, maintenance, and management. Clue integrates these functionalities, offering a comprehensive solution for the construction industry that improves operational control and visibility.

How does fleet management help the construction industry?

It ensures construction vehicles and equipment are optimally utilized, reducing unnecessary maintenance or fuel expenses and Clue's platform is built to meet these industry-specific needs, featuring advanced tracking and management capabilities to streamline operations.

How does construction fleet management software help in maintenance and repair scheduling?

The software provides reminders for maintenance, tracks vehicle health, and assists in scheduling repairs. Clue's system is tailored to prevent minor issues from escalating, ensuring your fleet remains in top condition.

Is it possible to manage and track equipment rental through the software?

Yes, the software allows for efficient tracking of rental equipment, managing who rents what and for how long. Clue enhances this process, ensuring rental management is straightforward and free from scheduling conflicts.

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Explore Other Features

Single Pane of Glass

See your entire project in one view with a Single Pane of Glass, making management simple and unified.

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Dispatch with precision, assigning tasks to teams easily, ensuring every job is on track.

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Easily allocate resources and monitor job status to run a more productive operation

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance keeps your equipment in top shape, avoiding downtime and costly delays.

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Utilize every asset to its fullest with Utilization insights, optimizing your resources for every project.

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Work Orders

Create and manage Work Orders with ease, ensuring tasks are clear and accountability is maintained.

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Conduct Inspections with confidence, upholding the highest standards for safety and quality on every site.

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iOS & Android Apps

Stay connected with Clue's iOS & Android Apps, bringing project management to your fingertips wherever you are.

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