Episode 5: Jake Olsen, Co-Founder & CEO of Dado

The Full Scoop Podcast
September 28, 2020

Table of Content


In this episode, Clue CEO, Oded Ran interviews Jake Olsen, Co-Founder & CEO of Dado, a construction document search engine for shop drawings, plans, specifications, submittals, spool drawings, and more. Oded and Jake discuss Dado's product offerings and construction technology.


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Read a Transcript of the Episode

Oded Ran (Clue) (00:00):
Hello and welcome to another episode of the Full Scoop. And today we have with us Jake Olson, who is CEO and Co-Founder at Dado. Jake. Great to have you over.

Jake Olsen (Dado) (00:18):
Yeah, thanks for having me happy to be here.

Oded Ran (Clue) (00:21):
Fantastic. So let's talk about Dado. Tell us a bit about the company and we're going to get from that to hear about your journey of setting up this company. Really, really exciting story we have today in this episode.

Jake Olsen (Dado) (00:34):
Yeah. Cool. Dado at its core is a company set to solve the problem of kind of digital overload, particularly for trade contractors. So in, in my life and construction, I've been at this for about 20 years that the, the software tools, the amount of digitization and the industries kind of exploding. So it's been great in a lot of ways for a lot of people lives have gotten easier with digital tools, but if you spend time and this was kind of how data was founded, if you spend enough time with trade contractors, particularly imagine a foreman in charge with getting pipe in the air, their lives and become a lot more difficult because there's just kind of an overload of information. So the simple question of do I have the latest drawing in front of me, what types of valves are approved for heating hot water? Piping can. One of our customers says, you know, you better. If you've got a question like that, you better pack a lunch and carry a stick because you're going to be at it for a while and you are going to be beat it out of somebody... But, literally trying to figure out the, latest information quickly, getting that in the hands of the trade worker is the problem we solve.

Oded Ran (Clue) (01:43):
Let's talk about that. So describe what what's the life of a worker before using your system and how does their life become better? How do you alleviate their pain when they start to use your platform?

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (01:57):
Yeah, we, and that was kind of one of the fun parts about starting the company we started at in an incubator where we actually went out and did a very disciplined interview process. So we talked to hundreds, I think over 300 construction people across the whole scope and, you know, started with very open ended questions. Like what's your day, like what keeps you up at night? And what's your biggest challenge to getting your job done? What do you wish you could solve? And it, wasn't far into those 300 interviews. We started hearing a really consistent theme and, and kind of answer your question, you know, a day for somebody who was running work on a job day, like a foreman or a lead journeyman today is very much about trying to keep up with information.

Jake Olsen (Dado) (02:39):
And we heard people say that, you know, I'm more or less a document management specialist now. And I used to be, you know, when I started, we used to give, you know, trace mineral plans, a Crow found the go out and call us when when the job was done and let us know how much money they made on the job. And they were an order, they were detailed. They do everything by hand in the field today, you know, especially on a job that's complex like a larger construction project. There is so much information that has to get digested. So imagine a RFI. Does that affect me? Do I need to, do I need to read and understand that? So we heard from a lot of tradespeople what their day looks like today is they're out trying to do the normal organizing, coordinating labor and materials time on a job, go home, maybe have dinner with their family, and then hop on their email for the next two hours at night, trying to read through plan updates, RFIs, change orders, trying to understand if there's new information that had, has changed what their day tomorrow is going to look like. Right. And that's a big difference from even 10 years ago, where, you know, before we digitized everything, it was laborious to change, to do a structural change in plans. For example, you would have to go down and get them printed, get them stamped, go out and manually slip sheet that into the, all the different trades, same thing with like some metals, you know, we'd like manually would create six hard copies would have to mail them to everybody when we were doing some middles in the old days. And, and with all that being digital today, it's like I said, it's improved a lot of people's jobs, but for the person who's kind of at the bottom of the totem pole in a lot of ways, the most important person, because they're the one that's actually getting the work done. There's very few people have gone and focused on that problem and said, okay, what do you really like? How do you want your job to be better? So what we've done is built kind of a search engine that sits in between the, all these different data silos. So imagine some of the big platforms like Procore and Autodesk down to the cloud storage locations, even your server indexes automatically organizes and makes that data very retrievable. So you can do a voice powered search, which is very common on data. We see people asking things like, like I just said, you know, show me that third floor equipment or mechanical room drawing, or what's the,uwhat approved air handlers are on this job. We do a whole bunch of indexing on those documents. So they're all organized, categorized, and easy to sort through what people do today is they build like this huge folder structure.

Jake Olsen (Dado) (05:09):
They have a team that's downloading stuff all day long, building out these big folders. And then they hope somebody out in the fields able to browse and hope. The first hope is that everything's in the right place, which of course it never is. And then the second hope is somebody in the field can look through those folders and find what they're looking for. So we kind of cut through all the mess and make a simple hyperlinking and voice search, you know, third floor structural steel elevations, and boom, that pops up not only the file, but the most latest version or the previous versions, anything that's linked to that. So we do a lot of kind of data processing on the backs and the ingestion side or the data side to make it really easy to find what you're looking for. And you know, our goal is, is helping trade workers in particular, spend more time working, doing value, add and remove them from this data management data hunt type of work. That's just not, they don't like doing this nor is it what they, you know, they came to the job to do that day. So we're trying to cut down and ideally, hopefully cut down from that two hours after dinner, sorting through emails, trying to show

Oded Ran (Clue) (06:17):
So to make sure I got it right, it sounds like just like today, when I'm using Gmail, I stopped organizing my email. It's just there. I want to find something I'm just typing it in. And Gmail magically finds it in my last 10, 20 years of emails, whatever I've got there, that's actually what you are trying to do for all things, construction documentation, right?

Jake Olsen (Dado) (06:42):
Yeah. We use that analogy all the time. You know, how many of you used to use outlook? You know, you talk to the customer, how many of you used to use outlook to organize your email?

Oded Ran (Clue) (06:50):
I would spend hours just organizing the folders and putting it in and you become like a data entry or data organizer person, if you want it to make right.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (07:01):
And then, you know, how many people either at work or personally use Gmail? How many folders do you build in Gmail?

Oded Ran (Clue) (07:05):
Exactly, there's no point, right?

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (07:07):
'Cause It's a very specific search. And that, you know, that goes a lot to building a search that really understands that application. And, you know, we've got the broad topic of search, but when you focus that in on a field and you say, look, we're going to search construction documents. You can make a really, really powerful search. So things like acronyms and synonyms. So, you know, second floor plumbing plan may also be floor or level two, you know, plumbing layout or something. So making sure you can understand all the different synonyms and acronyms and slang and jargon we use, or AHU is our handling unit then. And even more specifically, you know, RCP might be reflected ceiling plan, or it might be reinforced concrete pipe depending on context. So we're able to kind of really get down into the trade specific lingo acronyms and, and make a what almost feels like magic when these, when these folks are using the product, because they quickly get exactly what they're looking for. Even stuff they didn't know existed. So we get customer testimonials all the time, like, Oh my God, you just saved her or saved our neck. You know, we were looking for a submittal and there was an RFI that popped up in our search. We didn't know it was there. And you know, all this material we were going to order was wrong because of this RFI. So you're not only finding what you're looking for, but exposing people to information they didn't know existed is really a huge value add as well.

Oded Ran (Clue) (08:32):
That's really, really interesting. So one of the things you mentioned reminds me, at Clue, for example, we're seeing that the more companies start to use our platform, for example, for maintenance and they have their guided maintenance guides and so on. So the more companies use the platform, the more it benefits other, other companies as well. I'm guessing you guys seeing a similar thing, right? If someone searches the wrong acronym. You improve your algorithm. And all of a sudden it helps everyone else start to see that.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (09:02):
Yeah. And this, you know, the flywheel starts spinning and it doesn't slow down. It just keeps, you know, the more it comes in, the more people use it the best, the better it gets. And yeah, we see that on both sides. How do we understand all these various documents and the more you see the better that gets and then how do we understand what people are looking for? So I think we've seen over a million documents through the system already. And so it's really starting to, it's become, it's pretty cool. It's the, you know, kind of the aha moment. The magic is when we have it on multiple devices, but in the field, that's usually on a, on a phone or a tablet by pressing the phone. They do that first search, like, you know, Hey, what kind of hangers are approved for condo, whatever. And boom, up pops, the submittal. It's like that moment is when you, yeah. So that's a lot of fun. It's, I've been in construction for pretty much my whole career. So it's near and dear to my heart. I love the construction side that the C and the AEC like actually worked with contractors. So I it's been a really fun project. And we've got a great,

Oded Ran (Clue) (10:04):
So talk to us a bit more about the journey about even before you started project. Tell, tell us a bit more about you.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (10:10):
I guess at the core, I say I'm kind of like an engineer and an entrepreneur. So like many young engineers, I thought I went to school for industrial engineering than structural engineering and my masters. And I thought I was going to be designing skyscrapers, like every other structural engineer, but I actually started working on like structural investigation and actual job site, a lot of jobs sites, structural work. So airs fixes working with contractors that they ran a forklift into a beam can, is that beam still safe to be used as they have to be placed? We did a lot of structural analysis investigation like that, which put me on a lot of job sites. And I, that was kind of like I was hooked. So from there, I worked in some building products companies. So, you know, structural products that are used for various parts of the building and did some entrepreneurial stuff. I lived overseas for a while. I started a company overseas. And then my, just prior to that, I was at DeWalt or Stanley black and Decker to wall for a few years, which was a ton of fun, learned a lot about big company life. And and then this opportunity came up and it was a perfect fit for what I was looking to do next. So here I am build another company.

Oded Ran (Clue) (11:25):
Okay. That's great. And tell us a bit more about what year did you start the company and what were the key milestones in the company's life so far, other than obviously March being the COVID-19 milestone, which we're going to get to speak about later on.

Jake Olsen (Dado) (11:39):
Yeah. We get a lot to talk about that, but so we, this, this incubator was started in the beginning of 2018. So the idea was, you know, take some construction folks, entrepreneurial folks. And, and before, you know, anybody who's read like the lean startup kind of methodology, or, you know, some of these kind of more progressive, how do you build a business? It was very focused on go and find a problem, make sure you understand the problem before you even start thinking about the solution, which was a great experience. The company that ran it was called Mach 49. They're there in the

Oded Ran (Clue) (12:13):
Mach 49. Is there any, any spacecraft that can get to Mach 49? (laughs)

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (12:18):
I think they're working on it. Yeah. I think it's close, but yeah, you can look them up by that. You know, some ex IDEO guys, if you know anything about the IDEO design principles. So it was like a, it was a pretty cool group and I bet in construction my whole life. So I, you know, I'm like, you know, these guys, I'm not gonna learn anything. Like I'm gonna teach these guys, but there's something magical. And you've, you've, might've had this experience as well of going in to talk to a lot of these people were people I've known for years and always kind of on the, trying to get them to use my product or software or services or something. And when you go back to the same people and you don't have anything to sell you, didn't going to pitch and you just stop and say, listen, I got nothing for you today.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (13:02):
Other than I want to know what keeps you up at night, or what's the hardest part of your job and, and the same people that when you call them, Oh, I've only got five minutes. I got five minutes. That's all I got for you. I'm like, okay, fine. And then I say, well, listen, I, all I want to know is like, what's your day? Like, and what are your challenges? Two hours later, the person's still talking and it's like this unlock that, you know, you kind of realize like if you actually stop and listen and take the time to listen, you can, you can discover and have insights and kind of get really down to problems you didn't know existed. And what happens a lot of times, which is frustrating as you realize, whatever thing you thought you were building. If you match that up to what order of problems they have, this thing that you thought was a fluffy, special unicorn, greatest idea ever, you realize that the top five problems in their life, this doesn't do anything to help. And if you're not solving one of the top five problems, you probably don't have a great business. And in construction tech in particular, there's lots of flashy solutions that are looking for a problem. And I think there's, there is actual big problems to solve that that need, that don't need VR and drones and laser scanning. They really just need practical. Simple.

Oded Ran (Clue) (14:20):
Yeah, totally relate to that. You speak with some people and you, you become quite compassionate when you listen to how painful it is. And sometimes you listen to issues and you go really that's that you don't have a solution to that today. And you feel, I, you know, you, you almost feel you want to do it just to help the thousands of people out there that are just struggling with suddenly they think there is a solution for that. Right. So it sounds like exactly. That's what you guys are doing in data. And tell us about the name. Obviously not everyone knows the background of the name. Why did you call it Project Dado and website, by the way, is projectdado.com.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (14:55):
This is a lesson for folks starting a company. So when we when we did the incubation, so that, that went from like January to April, 2018, and we had a placeholder name, which a lot of people got to know - Linq.

Oded Ran (Clue) (15:15):
Thank you. That sounds like an existing company, right?

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (15:19):
It turns out there's like 30 existing company construction. So I work out, going along like, Oh, we found a really great idea solution. This is kind of this search for construction. Let's go spin out and start a company, which is what happened. So not having, we didn't put any time. And you know, in the early days you don't waste your money on an IP and branding and name. And you're trying to build a proof of concept. So we were just Linq for like the first year. And a lot of people got the notices as link. And then it turns out that was a really bad idea because there's a lot of people with a name like, and some of them didn't like us also using that name at the end of 2019, just before we were launching the product we had to rebrand.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (15:59):
And you know, this, if anybody's been through this, you know what a, it's like a pain you're waiting for like nine different stars to align perfectly, including like the domain name. The IP has got to be clear. It's got to not be in the urban dictionary of something. That means something really bad somewhere else. Like there's all these things you have to like check and data was like magical. So, so Dado, we wanted, you know, a real word, not like a fluffy construction or techie word. We wanted a real word that, that we can rally be. If you've ever done woodworking or cabinetry, there's different cuts and joints that you can make a dado cut or a dado joint is what that becomes. You cut across the grain of wood. And then you kind of joined pieces of wood together using this cross-cut, which is awesome symbolism for what our product does, because we cut across all these data silos.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (16:56):
And we joined them together with a simple interface. There's a little play on data and documents as well, as an acronym. But so yeah, we love the name. It's been a, I think it's been well, not quite a year in, since we kind of rebranded and it's like, that's the other, I think lesson learned for entrepreneurs is, you know, you get so attached to like, we were so attached to that Linq name and then like a month, it was like full stop. Everybody was asking for Dado. It's been a good name. And I think we've got, we did the homework on it this time to make sure we don't get ourselves in trouble so we can use the name.

Oded Ran (Clue) (17:31):
Yeah. You never know until you hear from some company that trademarked he name years ago...

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (17:37):
Yeah. And it's like, there's this whole thing I wasn't aware of. It's called a sound alike trademark. So even if you spell like Linq is spelled different, really Linq versus Link, they sound alike. You still can get into infringement, which is what happened with, with that name. So, but wider. In other words, at this point, that's exactly the startup life. That's like a generations ago.

Oded Ran (Clue) (18:01):
So tell us more about the type of trades are currently using data. And maybe as you described that, any story for a company that, you know, clients start to use it, do you literally see how it changes their, their work improves their productivity?

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (18:17):
We launched at first kind of like beta paid version this past January. So we're still pretty early on as a company, but since then we've had really good. I mean, it's been just kind of going crazy and we can talk about convert a little bit there too. Cause that was an interesting part of the company. But I think we've gotten we're hyper focused on trade contractors because the problem they feel is most acute. It perfectly lines up with the product we're building. So we really focus on trade contractors. So I think today we've got pretty much almost all of the major trades represented mechanical electrical plumbing, steel interiors, drywall, concrete. So we've got, you know, most of these trades now using the platform one way or the other, we've got a lot of MEP contractors because they use, they end up in this complexity of, especially through coordination, constantly changing.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (19:07):
We have a question on the, on the case study, we have a mechanical contractor a couple of weeks ago that we got, you know, that saved my neck phone call, but basically they were ordering a piece of equipment. They were searching to figure out, I think condensate drain requires some unrelated search and what pops up was an RFI, which completely changed the size of where that equipment had to fit. And that showed up because the same plans were referenced. So they found this like, Oh my God, if we order this, this, this unit, it's not going to sit in that space, this RFI wouldn't know showed up. So those are the really, you know, those, those are what keep you going as a, as an entrepreneur. Cause you know, there's, there's good days and bad days, but you know, getting those phone calls is as I'm sure, you know, like, that's what you need to keep the business going. So but we've had calls like that. There we've got customers that my favorite lines recently was I, we start every, we start and we finished every single project in data because it is the easiest way to get information. So it's been, it's been good. We love we have a very good relationship with our customers. It's kind of our core value of building with our users, not for our users. And we really embody that in the company.

Oded Ran (Clue) (20:22):
Well, let's talk a bit about something that might be a bit more unique to the US market perhaps. And that is, you know, for one end, your goal is to help people have one version of the truth, right. But then you've got these interesting dynamics between the GCs and trade, and sometimes maybe the end customer or the architect. And there are different players in this ecosystem pulling in different directions. I mean, everyone wants to, at the end of the day to build a good product and make decent revenues as well as profit and the project, but influences a bit of your thinking as well.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (21:00):
Yeah. Well, I mean, so the first statement you made this source of truth idea, which is, you know, that's like this, this thing we've been chasing in construction tech for four years at the single source of truth, there's a single, you know, what, what happens? And if you dig into projects, you realize this, this, that it doesn't take long to realize that often there isn't a single source of truth because the information contradicts itself. And I mean, probably the most classic example of that is one thing was specified. One thing was submitted and approved and that happens on every single job. So here's the, this long spec book or general notes, structural notes and all this. And then here's the submittal packages that came in and we can point to all different reasons. People didn't review this metal, it's not the responsibility, but so now we've got even on that, in that simple use case, we can go really deep on other conflicts, but now we have not a single source of truth.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (21:58):
So what product do I use? Do I use what was specified or what was submitted and approved and, and that you can get into all these really heated, philosophical debates about what does this submittal actually mean? Is it the contractor's responsibility to meet the spec? Or is it the architect's responsibility to approve this metal? It's probably going to be listening to people, listening to this that are going to pile on, on both sides of that. Cause you can get to both sides, but just from that simple instance, which happens on every job I can prove to you that there is no single source of truth. So the best thing that we could do, and this was part of a, kind of a product journey as well. The best thing that we could do is to show different parties, the different sources of truth, and then they need to go make the decision, whether they're willing to accept the risk working off of some middle working or where they want to be exposed to the fact that the product that we're about to install wasn't specified or isn't in the shop drawings.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (22:51):
So those are the, I think that was one of the big things that we had to grasp to that. When you have a question when you're searching for something, you know, like Google when you search Eagles, Google doesn't just show you about legal or the football team or, or a band, right? Because there's contexts that you can go figure out. And that's a lot of, you know, you run into that same problem with construction documents. So that I think gets, and this is where we get into unique relationships in construction, in particular, particularly the U S the way we use the contract. But, you know, there's a lot of reasons why we might submit a different product than what was approved and, you know, it might be a better product. It might be easier to install it maybe cheaper. And so you get into these relationships unknowingly or knowingly a lot between the different stakeholders, the architect, the general contractor and the trade contractors and the owner and the structural, I mean like MEP designers, everybody else where, you know, there can be different motivations and different reasons why this source is true.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (23:57):
It might make more sense to this person and this one. And that's, so it's hard just to, and we have this problem with some of these, you know, overarching platforms that are supposed to solve all the problems. It's hard just to say, here's the source of truth. Here's the answer, here's what you use. And, and, and that for me is a very top down approach where if you spend time with challenge anybody in the, in the, especially in the trades that go, I mean, go look at it like a hanger, some middle, these things are like 500 pages long. They've got every, they take the entire like Cooper B-line spec book and they just submit it and it gets approved. You know, what product am I really supposed to use? None of that, like, what is really the source of truth? And, and that's, I think, you know, yes, you can, you can look at that kind of from the general contractors saying, well, here's the spec, there's a source of truth, but there's a lot of reasons why the trade contractor has submitted what they submit to.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (24:52):
Cause it's, like I said, all those reasons. So for us, it's, it's, I think it's number one, recognizing that there isn't a source of truth and that there's going to be tension. There's going to be whether it's financially driven, whether it's safety driven, sometimes availability is a big one. Can I order these parts? Can they show up? There's going to be differences of opinion. And it doesn't work just to say, here's the truth, work with it. And the source of truth for a general contractor might be different than a contractor. And we just have to, I think at some point you have to acknowledge that. And once you do, you can kind of solve the problem on one side or the other. But this idea that we're always going to have one source of truth is I think a little bit of the myth that maybe we're chasing. And you know, a lot of people will point to like three D modeling perhaps as a solution for that. But even, you know, you have those, all those problems, I just existed. The same thing happens when you drop a component into a model or a piece of equipment. Well, you know, was that specified? Was it, is it the right one who approves the, the, the model as a submittal? So I could go on for hours here, Oded, I'm sorry. You got me !

Oded Ran (Clue) (26:05):
This goes beyond the academic discussion, which has massive commercial implications, right. Then from actually a solution perspective. Is anyone working, are you planning to work in future on being this conflict resolution system? Meaning here there's basically having something intelligent enough to raise there's conflict here between submission and plan and so on.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (26:30):
Yeah, I think it's certainly, and there's when there's a conflict. The first thing you need to tease out is, is did we intentionally create that conflict because we've got motivations? You know, maybe I want to submit cheaper. I've got a deal with the supplier for Schneider and that's cheaper than what was specified. So I'm going to submit it, see if I can get it approved, save some money. Well, you know, not everybody wants that conflict to get like there's motivations on why I don't want everybody to know about this conflict. I'd rather my submittal just gets approved and I go, you know, cause I've got, so there's a lot of kind of strategy and reasons why not. Everybody's looking for that problem to be solved long and short of it. But I think there's a tremendous opportunity in exposing. Yeah, we see that already just by being able to expose conflicting things in our search results. So like how do you then supercharge that and really get the value out of that. That's there for, you know, the different parties involved. So

Oded Ran (Clue) (27:28):
All of this is, is a fantastic room for a very academic, philosophical conversations about what's the right model for construction, but we're not gonna have it right now. But it's super interesting. So you know, you started by telling that when you started the company that you ask people, what are the things that they lose sleep on? So Jake, what do you lose sleep on right now?

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (27:55):
Yeah. pandemics, kids, school situation you know, like typical worries about startup finances and all that, that stuff. But yeah, I mean, in fairness that, you know, just the personal dealing with this, COVID locked down and I have two young kids and, you know, that's stressful on top of all the reasons a normal startup person doesn't sleep, you know, interpersonal relationships and making budget work and all stuff like that. There's, there's been a tremendous challenge for our company. And that would imagine many just to convert to a fully remote culture and finding ways to replace everything we've vetted, benefited from in personal reactions. It's you don't just call yourself remote. And so you don't get that for free. You have to really work on becoming a fully remote culture. And I think that's probably what a lot of my sleepless nights are attributed to you right now is the challenges that we've had some level been forced on us because we've like all of a sudden had to become a remote company. And to what extent, you know, you can manage those and you can put systems and processes and get team excited about being a remote culture. So that's, that's, that's very stressful.

Oded Ran (Clue) (29:19):
Absolutely. It sounds, it's something that many, many companies go through, right? There's no right solution. We, we measured the other day, that Clue is a young company and we are about 41 weeks old and the vast majority of our company's life has been in remote form, something none of us ever planned. And it's, I guess, from, from your business perspective, do you see actually that COVID-19 is creating demand for you? Because there's less room for error? There's less, you know, face to face interaction?

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (29:53):
Yeah, 100%. I mean, that's, that's been the positive piece of this and you know, there's not many positive things from COVID. One of them that I think will be a lasting stake is just the last is his contractors, the industry in general, looking at digital solutions and whether that's because not everybody's in the office on the same server. So having to move things to cloud solutions, just so the team can still work, whether it's because we're not having as many in person meetings to do plan reviews, or did you shop drawing, approvals that type of stuff. So the industry has kind of been forced to look at digital solutions, collaboration, and, and that's been a huge uptick for us. So, you know, we had a little period, I think probably April was when everybody was like, Oh crap, am I still going to have a job?

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (30:44):
Is there still going to be business? You know, since then, it's just, it's really a, like the last few months have been just fantastic. And we've, what's been fun is a lot of the, the customers that we've signed up posts that, you know, one of the first technology platforms they've implemented and they're looking for easy solutions to implement, to get running and, or pride ourselves and being very simple to set up and get value from. So I think that seeing a whole wave of contractors, all of a sudden looking for digital solutions, especially folks that hadn't been in the past, that this is their first time of trying to, you know, move some of their documentation, their systems or collaboration processes into a digital platform. That's pretty exciting for me and positive side, just, I think for the industry in general. And I think a lot of that'll stick. Cause, you know, as you know, once you've gone digital, you don't go back. Like you learn how to work in that system and then you start to unlock the value and the savings and then, then you're set. So

Oded Ran (Clue) (31:45):
Totally, I think we're seeing that in many industries we cover of course construction, which is seeing a sea change education is to say, I guess, so you were in California, I'm in California. And where we seeing things, I probably would have taken 50 years to convince the administrators to do happening in literally a matter of months. So with all of this things up in the air and stress, if I gave you now a fun day to operate any type of construction equipment and forget everything and just have some fun, what heavy construction equipment should I give you the keys to, for you to enjoy for a few hours?

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (32:20):
That's a good one. You know, some of the most fun I've had. So I've, I worked on when I was at a structural investigation, I worked on outsides of buildings and structures and and this is going to sound lame, but just so we, I worked on the Sutro tower, which is a big tower in San Francisco. Some people, man, it's got the three that towers up over right over the city. And we just had this bucket, lift that with that, cause that was like a thousand feet up. And just riding up a lot of times, you know, San Francisco, the fog is at like a 500 foot level or something. So we get out there in the morning and we go up and literally go through the fog and you'd get on top of this amazing CFO and have this view of just maybe some buildings.

Jake Olsen (Dado)  (33:04):
There was no Salesforce tower at the time. So you had Transamerica building and a few of them will be popping up. And that, for me, it was just like, you know, it's one of those magical moments when you know, construction, people get some of the best offices or places in the world. It's like a simple bucket list where that would be that probably be attached to a very tall structure, qualify that that was one of my favorite jobs to work on just from the the environment. And that was with a bunch of ironworkers and your great guys that is yours, whatever a mini ever is, thousands of feet above above the clouds to to relax it.

Oded Ran (Clue) (33:41):
That's awesome. So for anyone who wants to learn more information about you, there's going to be a link on our page, or if you listen to this, the website, the URL is projectdado.com and Jake, if anyone wants to connect with you directly, what's the best way to do that?

Jake Olsen (Dado) (34:00):
Jake@projectdado.com. So just send me an email, pretty responsive on those. So, and I love to love to chat more. We're always looking for new ideas or love helping people implement.

Oded Ran (Clue) (34:17):
It sounds like you building a product that everyone needs. Everyone needs the Google for the construction industry to know where things are. So really looking forward to keeping in touch and to collaborating with you guys. And thanks so much for the time. And thanks everyone for listening into another representative, the full scoop, and we will be back in a couple of weeks with our next episode. Thanks everyone!

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